Baumit PUMA / Duo Classic - mortar 25kg price

Baumit PUMA / Duo Classic - mortar 25kg

5.40 BGN

* The stated price is per bag 25kg.

Product Code: 019595
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Mortar-Cement Dry Mix for Bricklaying and Rendering

Dry mix for bricklaying and rendering. Complies with bricklaying mortar class M2.5 and rendering class CS II, acc. to EN 998. Especially suitable for repair work and for plastering small areas, for both interior and exterior applications. When used as a rendering mix, the substrate must be treated with Baumit Spray 4 or Baumit Concrete Primer.


  • Plastering and bricklaying with a single product
  • For fast repair work
  • Guaranteed consistent quality

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